Susan Campbell — Program Ambassador/Coach
Susan Campbell is the Program Ambassador and Coach of STRIPES.
Susan’s positive energy, generosity of spirit, creativity and vast management and leadership experience form the basis of her coaching style. As co-creator of STRIPES, Susan believes there’s a leader in all of us and it’s just a matter of how, when and where our leadership gift emerges.
Susan is a self-described life-long learner who aspires to draw the best out of others on a whole being, fully functioning, never ending continuum. Whether it’s - empathy, listening, a soft place to land - or education, tips or teaching moments - or diagnostics, tough love or a kick in the butt, Susan sets the conditions for individuals to open up, explore, confront, struggle and transform.
STRIPES’ coaching sessions will be highly customized to the individual and will include integration of all STRIPES’ Program components. STRIPES participants will work with Susan to develop his/her unique coaching plan.
Prior to joining STRIPES as Program Ambassador and Coach, Susan spent 30+ years in Corporate and Institutional Banking managing and leading teams at all levels on a regional and national basis within the commercial real estate finance industry.